An Itchy Pup Inspires The Apawthecary
The star of the moment at All Things Jill is our Chic Puppy line. We have just relaunched the line: reformulating the shampoo to be thicker and foamier; rebranding the Ticked Off Coat & Bed Spritz and Shake; simplifying our scent options to crowd favourites Citrus and Mint; and outfitting everything with sleek new labels. With all of these changes and the amazing line we have in place now, we can’t help but think back to where it all started.
- Jasper, Jill's Wheaton Terrier
You may have noticed the cute pup on the Chic Puppy labels — that’s Jasper, Jill's original fur baby. As a Wheaton terrier, Jasper experienced a lot of skin problems, as terriers are prone to. His skin was dry and he was always itchy. The doggy dermatologist recommended expensive cortisone treatments, but a lightbulb went off for Jill as she considered the line of natural baby products (Peas in a Pod) she was already making and selling - and the fact that it was working really well for people. She realized, “Wait a minute, if this is so good for kids and sensitive skin, why not try it for Jasper?”
Using ingredients she already had on hand, including aloe juice, Jill created a dog shampoo for Jasper. Lo and behold, his skin problems cleared up in a couple of weeks! He wasn’t itchy anymore and Jill knew she was on to something.
And so, in 2009, the Apawthecary line was born, originally consisting of the Dirty Dogger Wash, Leave-in Rinse and Barkin’ Good Paw Salve, with the Shakin’ All Over Carpet Soda following soon after. These have always been the four cornerstone products of the line.
We later added the Fido Freshener Coat Spritz inspired by a stinky experience following a day of paddling around in the river.
The most recent additions to the line are two of Jill's personal favourites: the Ticked Off Coat & Bed Shake and and Ticked Off Coat & Bed Spritz. Jill and her husband use the Dirty Dogger Shampoo regularly on their two dogs, Django the Doodle and Matilda the Akita/Shepherd mix, as well as the Barkin’ Good Paw Salve (especially in the winter when temperatures are harsh and the streets are salty here in Calgary!) and the Ticked Off Spritz whenever they get out to the woods.
Jill says, "I’m so proud of this line and what it has become, and I’m thrilled every time a customer tells us how soft and bright the Dirty Dogger Wash has made their dog's coat!"
- Matilda (Akida/Shepherd mix) and Django (Double Doodle), Jill and Mike's dogs