Juniper Berry (organic)
Latin Name:Juniperus communis
Method:steam distilled
Description: The scent of Juniper is one that is warm, woodsy, with lovely hints of sweetness and spice. It is a powerful essential oil, and can serve as a 'heavy hitter' when dealing with some of the more acute ailments and concerns.

Skin wise, this essential oil is able to address common issues such as acne, dermatitis, blocked pores, weeping eczema, varicose veins, and hair loss. It makes an excellent airborne disinfectant, as well as assist those suffering from arthritis, rheumatism, and general muscular aches & pains. Under proper direction, Juniper may even be used to address afflictions such as wounds, abscesses, genital warts, ulcers, cystitis, gout and sciatica.

Juniper's potency certainly has a positive impact on the mind as well. Anxiety, insomnia, depression, jet lag, mental stagnation, and many stress related disorders can (often easily) be diminished by this particular oil. It has been noted for its ability to assist those with poor memory, and is thought to boost willpower, confidence, and a person's sense of self-worth.

Energetically, this oils has been used for clearing negative energy from enclosed/confined spaces, protect against antagonistic influences, and erase energetic blockages. It can be used to assist fears of failure, promote inner vision & wisdom, and detoxify contaminated energies. It is believed to connect individuals to their highest ideals, and is excellent for dealing with feelings of 'uncleanliness' of past actions inflicted to or by an individual.

Contraindication: Use caution during pregnancy, but avoid during the first trimester. Avoid use if suffering from kidney disease, or acute kidney/bladder infections. Use low amounts on delicate or damaged skin. Long term use not recommended.
Availability: In Stock.

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