Yarrow Leaf & Flower
Latin Name:Achillea millefolium
Country of Origin:Bulgaria
Growing Method:organic
Plant Part(s):Dried stems, leaves, and flowers.

Yarrow received its Latin name Achillea from the legendary Greek hero Achilles. According to the common legend, Achilles's mother dipped him into the river Styx by the ankle in an effort to make him invulnerable. Fighting many battles as a seemingly invincible warrior, Achilles used yarrow to treat the wounds of his fellow soldiers. He later died from a wound to his heel, as it was the one unprotected part of his anatomy.

More Info

Yarrow is a flowering perennial, common in North America but also native to Europe and Asia. Its leaves are soft and highly segmented with a characteristic appearance that is almost feather-like. Yarrow grows stalks during the summer months, with a height that is dependent upon the seasonal rainfall. During dry years, these stalks may only grow a foot or two, preserving energy in its roots. Clusters of tiny white flowers grow atop the stalks, emitting a distinctive and characteristic aroma.

Typical Preparations

Tea infusions, juice (from the fresh herb), tinctures, and in baths.

Contraindications / Safety
  • Not for use in pregnancy except under the supervision of a qualified healthcare practitioner. Persons with allergies to other members of the Asteraceae family should exercise caution with yarrow, as allergic cross-reactivity is common in Asteraceae plants. Processed in a facility that also produces tree nuts. Tree nut fragments may be occasionally present.
  • We recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.

This product has not been evaluated by the CFIA or Health Canada. This information is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We recommend consulting with a certified health practitioner before beginning use.

Availability: In Stock.

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