Spotlight On: Eucalyptus Citriodora

This is one of the variations of eucalyptus, which interestingly possesses all the same (beneficial) qualities as the renowned citronella. Hailing from Australia, this fast-growing evergreen is known as lemon-scented gum, blue-spotted gum or lemon eucalyptus.

Given this essential oil’s properties for outdoor use, we knew it was a perfect choice for our TREK Take a Hike! Outdoor Joose, especially at a time when one of the past key ingredients, citronella, was facing a ban by Health Canada. 

(This ban has since been partially lifted, allowing manufacturers who had previously obtained government approval for their citronella-containing insect repellants to continue to sell them as Health Canada further reviews its regulations.)

The Eucalyptus Citriodora essential oil that we use in our Take a Hike Outdoor Joose and Candle is steam distilled from the leaves of the lemon eucalyptus tree.joose

Eucalyptus Citriodora is just one in a mix of woodsy, earthy-smelling essential oils in our Take a Hike spray. The scent of the spray is reminiscent of a men’s aftershave but fades quickly, leaving skin moisturized and unscented. 

Posted by on 5/14/2015

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